As most of you know, Craig and I, along with 2 other PCVs, are planning on running a marathon in Ghana in September as a team to raise money for Camp GLOWs in Benin. Camp GLOW is a girls’ camp that Peace Corps does every summer vacation that focuses on empowering girls to stay in school, promotes self esteem, teaches them about reproductive health, staying healthy, sexual harassment, and gives them the opportunity to speak with other successful women from the community. It is a great camp with a lot of positive feedback in respect to supporting and encouraging girls and is one of the most memorable parts of most volunteers’ service in the Peace Corps. Craig and I are putting on a Camp GLOW in Bohicon, the first one here, this summer vacation.
We will not be asking our family and friends to donate towards Camp GLOW, unless you want to of course, given the fact that the economy has affected many people we know. Instead, we are asking for our friends and family to cover our fees and costs to participate in the marathon. We do not want any of the money that we raise for Camp GLOW to go towards our costs, so we are asking for your sponsorships to cover those fees. These sponsorships will not be tax-deductible since they are not going towards Camp GLOW, but if you did want to donate towards Camp GLOW, which IS tax-deductible, we will have information on how you can do that soon.
Every member of our team of four will be petitioning their family and friends as well to sponsor us as a team. Our team costs to take part in the marathon are:
--Team Registration Fee $130
*Must be paid by April 30th
--Visas for Togo 100,000cfa (about $200)
*by July 31st
--Visas for Ghana 60,000cfa (about $120)
*by July 31st
--Transportation Costs 120,000cfa (about $240)
*Cotonou to Accra, round trip
*by September 1st
--Lodging Costs 120,000cfa (about $240)
*10,000cfa fee each to stay in
PC office in Ghana for 3 nights
*by September 1st
Total $930
Again, this is for our entire team, so Craig and I will be responsible coming up with about half of that. The most important amount that we need now is our registration fee. This fee goes up if not paid by April 30th, which obviously increases our costs. If our closest family and friends, or about 10 people, all pitch in $50, then our costs are easily covered. As soon as all of the costs are met, we will post a blog immediately to inform everyone to avoid additional sponsorships.
If you are interested in sponsoring us, you can mail a check to Craig’s parents, the Wiricks, and they can deposit it into our account for us. Send us an email or a message on Facebook for their address.
Thank you for all of your support: emotional, mental, and financial! We are lucky to have every one of you in our lives.