I was thinking about going native and just growing out my hair and beard but we’re in the hot season—the chaleur—and there’s no way that I can survive the heat with long (for me) hair and a beard. I walked down to the barber in the afternoon when I had a feeling it would be slow and the electricity would be on, and asked him if I paid him for a haircut, could I just do it myself? He was surprised, but said ok, and prepared the clippers for me. I told him that he could sit down and watch, and he did. About halfway through, the power went out and a few awkward minutes later, I was able to finish up.
When I was almost done, a few guys came in to get haircuts and I offered to give them haircuts, too, and we jokingly negotiated a price (I could have made 500 cfa!). Pretty soon I had a vrai audience: my young barber, his friend sleeping on the bench inside the shop, and two other guys who came by to get their haircuts. I saw the barber study how I was cutting my hair, so as I cleaned off the clippers after I finished, I told him that next time, he can give it a try.
Haircut: 300 cfa (about 60 cents). Cultural exchange: priceless.
that's pretty awesome! That would never happen here, everyone would flip out.