15 January 2012

Fête de Vodoun, 2012 edition

We passed the holidays at home in Bohicon with local volunteer pals.  Big thanks to Kev & Danielle, Tim, and Cherise for the Christmas packages!  We are so fortunate to have great friends and family that supply us we goodies from Americaland.

On 10 January, Benin has a state holiday for Vodoun (Voodoo).  Minutes and untold minutes of research have led me to believe that Benin is not only the only country in the world that has an official state holiday for Vodoun, but also the only one that has state holidays for three different religions (Christian, Muslim, Vodoun).  Technically referred to as "Traditional Religions Day", the Vodoun fête day is celebrated with dancing, drinking (heavily), offerings to vodoun spirits and/or deities, singing, dancing, having fun with vodoun characters (such as Egunguns and Zangbetos), and dancing and drinking.

We are in the beginning stages of planning our girls' camp for this year which will take place in June and we have also recently found out that new volunteers who will arrive in July (or maybe June?) are already receiving invitations to come here and have a facebook group already.  Many volunteers are busy facebook stalking them already.

We will try to post pictures from the fete the next time that we have a fast internet connection.  Tried to post a video + pictures here today but it wasn't working out.  Sorry!


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