15 July 2010


   Yesterday, we had our full day of orientation where we were able to meet everyone that is going to Benin with us.  There are 60 total people going to Benin, which since Benin is about the same size as Pennsylvania, that is a lot of people!  We met the different people who are in our fields of work so we got to know who we will be working with, which was exciting.  Orientation was basically an ice-breaker that allowed us all to get to know each other with team building exercises.  It was pretty good and it went by relatively quickly, given that it was the whole day.
   We also got a spending allowance, which reimbursed us (and more) for the $20 we had to spend to get from the airport to the hotel, as well as a food allowance and "En Route" allowances until we arrive in Africa, which is awesome.  We also had to spend $120 for checked bag fees when we left San Diego, which they are reimbursing us when we arrive in local currency.  That will be our cell phone money! So we will have cell phones whenever we have a chance to go and buy them.  Stay tuned to find out our phone numbers.
   Today, we had to wake up early to go to the government clinic and get our yellow fever shot.  Apparently, we don't get our malaria pill pack until we get there, which is somewhat of a concern to us since we're arriving during the rainy season and there's probably going to be mosquitoes galore.  I guess they haven't had any issues with it since that is how they're doing it, so we're just going to trust the system.
    We're about to check out of our hotel now, then we have a few hours to get lunch and do any last minute sight-seeing before we have to meet back at the hotel and board our NYC-bound bus to get on our flight out of JFK.  This will probably be the last time you hear from us for a while.  I guess that once we land, they allow us to send out a quick message to let everyone know that we're there safe and sound and that is basically all we're going to have time for until we are finished with training.  Training can last anywhere between 2-3 months, depending on how well we do and how quickly we pass everything.  So if you don't hear from us until September, that is why; don't freak out.  Remember, if there is anything bad that happens to us, the Peace Corps will notify our "Emergency Contacts" (our parents and siblings), so you don't have to wonder about our well-being. 
    Thanks again for all of your support and love!  We look forward to hearing from you via letters until we can get internet again.  Our phones will be on and working until 11:30pm tonight (EST) when we board our flight, so feel free to give us a call to say goodbye one last time. 

A Bientôt!


  1. hey! But you're both very smart, and will learn everything very quickly...so no need to be without communication for too long! ;) hahaha! learn quikcly! weros! =P

    P.S. love your request for TAPATIO & CHULULAAA! hahaha xoxox

  2. Yeah go see NYC! Keep up the posts, sorry I missed your phone call! How exciting everything sounds. Love you guys!
