17 July 2010

We Made It!

   Hi Everyone!  This has to be a really short email since there is a line to use the computer, but we wanted to let everyone know that we are here safe and sound.  We got in at 8pm on the 16th and have been busy bees ever since.  We are at the Peace Corps office in Benin right now for our oral French exam, which just reminded me how rusty I am, and to write you since our internet is non-existant where we're staying. 
   We will post more details about our little adventure on getting here later when we have more time.  We're hoping to get away for some internet cafe time in about a week.  Things are going great here though and we had a very big and nice welcome from other volunteers and staff when we arrived. 
   Another quick note: we were told that we probably won't have time to get our cell phones any time soon and everyone highly recommends waiting until September or so because there are a bunch of people going home and will probably cell their phones to us for ridiculously cheap prices (or maybe for free), which means that we won't be able to receive phone calls as of right now.  Once we get settled in with our host family next week, we can find out our host family's phone number and see if it would be ok with them if we received phone calls there.  Thanks for all the support! 

A Bientot!


  1. I am glad you guys made. Yeah!!! Enjoy your new adventure and keep us posted.

  2. Love you guys! -Gemelo

  3. Get them cell phones! When do you guys find out where the heck your going to be living in Benin?
    <3 Cherise

  4. I am glad you arrived safely and that they're treating you well. Can't wait for your next post! I love you both!


  5. What's the 'standard' carrier among your PC colleagues? I remember the really 'top-notch' or 'classy' businessmen during OUR stay in Benin routinely carried 5-6 cell phones with them at all times...one for each brand/carrier! I'd be interested to know whether things have changed at all...

  6. I hope you both are doing well! Miss you!

  7. The main carrier now is called MTN, which definitely dominates the market now. I don't know anyone with a different carrier and there are little places to buy credit everywhere. It's just like in France! Ha! Miss you guys!
